苏韵湾语 · 苏式文化夏令营 Suzhou-Style Language and Culture Summer Camp
日期:2024-06-04  发布人:zxadmin  浏览量:206
  • 学校介绍 Introduction of SIA

苏州市吴江区苏州湾外国语学校(SUZHOU INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY(简称湾外”) 坐落在美丽的太湖苏州湾,是一所高端、精致的国际化学校。学校秉持“Come Here Go Further(来这里,走更远)的办学理念,在高水平实施国家课程的基础上,引入国际标准的英语课程,融合中西方教育的优势,以大学视角和国际视野, 培养身心健康、学业优秀、气质高雅并具有民族根基、世界眼光的精英人才,打造中国的国际人和国际的中国人。学校涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中、国内高中、国际高中学段,实施小班精英化教育。

Suzhou International Academy (SIA), a prestigious international K-12 institution, embraces the motto "Come Here Go Further." We are committed to offering a world-class education that seamlessly integrates the finest of Western and Chinese educational paradigms. Our holistic approach aims to nurture students who excel academically, while also fostering physical and mental resilience, instilling a deep appreciation for Chinese traditions, and cultivating a global mindset. With specialized Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Domestic, and International Divisions, SIA provides an elite, personalized educational experience through small class sizes.

学校师资力量雄厚。现有教职工 431 人,专任教师 366 人,其中,博士3人,特级教师 4人,硕士以上占40%,本科以上100%,大市学科带头人以上26 人,区县级以上荣誉获得者288 人,全国、省市优质课或基本功竞赛一等奖获得者76人,外语教师80人(包括外教)。

At SIA, we take great pride in our exceptional faculty, which numbers 431 staff members, including 366 full-time teachers. All of our teachers are highly qualified, with 100% holding at least a Bachelor’s degree, 40% possessing a Master’s degree or higher.This includes an impressive roster of 3 Doctorates, 4 Special-Level teachers, and 26 Municipal Subject Leaders, and 286 award winners at or above district level .here are 76 teachers honored of first prizes in national, provincial, and municipal excellent courses or fundamental skills competitions, with 80 foreign language teachers (including foreign educators).

  • 夏令营项目说明 Project Description


Centered on the in-depth experience of Chinese culture, the Language & Culture Summer Camp covers Chinese language learning, traditional cultural experiencing, and exploration of cities in the south of the Yangtze River. The project is instructed by experienced teachers of Chinese as a foreign language and professional teachers of traditional arts. In addition to language learning, students will have the opportunity to learn traditional skills such as calligraphy, pottery, tea art, paper-cutting, embroidery, Guqin, and martial arts, as well as experiencing modern technologies like 3D printing and drone aerial photography. Meanwhile, under the guidance of a professional team, students will conduct in-depth exploration of the humanities of cities in the south of the Yangtze River, appreciate gardens, visit ancient towns, enjoy the Suzhou-style culture, learn about the economic development model of the new countryside in the water town, and fully experience the classical charm and innovative vitality of Suzhou.

  1. 费用说明    Fee Description




PriceRMB 28000 yuan

Expenses Included:

Transfers from/to Shanghai Pudong International Airport or Suzhou Railway Station, Course fees, Activity materials fees, Entrance fees to scenic spots, Accommodation and local transportation costs

Expenses Not Included:

Round-trip transportation fees from abroad to Shanghai Pudong International Airport or Suzhou Railway Station, Visa and passport fees, Other personal expenses

  1. 申请条件 Application Requirements

Age Range:Year 5-10.

Academic Performance: Applicants must demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in their current studies. Depending on the program, this may include submitting recent school transcripts or grades.

Language Proficiency: For Suzhou-Style Language and Culture Summer Camp, applicants must demonstrate accuracy in English or Chinese. For English speaking applicants, this may be through submitting scores from standardized Chinese tests such as HSK (if applicable). For non-English speaking applicants, fluency in the language of instruction may be required, such as HSK and TOEFL, IELTS, or Cambridge English Qualification.

  1. 申请流程 Application Process

Complete the application form, providing all required information and uploading any necessary documents.

Submit the application and all required materials by the specified deadline.

Wait for notification of acceptance or rejection.

Applicants who are accepted will be informed of any additional steps or requirements for participation in the summer camp.

  1. 联系方式

外语特色建设中心 刘老师 


Contacts: Miss Liu (Foreign Language Center)

Tel: (86)15261661019
Email: liuyangmichelle@163.com



 If you are interested in this programme, please download and complete the application form and send this it to liuyangmichelle@163.com. Feel free to contact us.


Application form.docx
